
Ascension Chapter 8

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     Three days after the feast of Samhain, there came a knock on Eidra's door. The sun was just tipping the horizon. She'd just risen, she wrapped her shawl around her and opened the door to find Loki watching the sunrise from the cover of his hood. "I have come to visit Corrine. Have you her pail?"
               Eidra reached down where the pail sat beside the door and handed it up to him whereas he bowed and headed around the cottage to the barn.
              "Yer kidding." Sally was behind her.
               "Quite obviously not."
                Sally threw her cloak around her shoulders and grabbed a basket by the fire. "I am going to fetch eggs and pull some salt pork out of the cold cellar and cook the poor man a proper morning meal."
              "Wait now,"
              Sally stopped at the doorway, "Wait what? He'd starve waiting for you, 'tis sure I am of it."
              Eidra choked back a reply and went about tending the fire to get it going, the rain outside was a steady drizzle and the damp cold permeated the house.
             Soon enough, Sally was back inside with her basket, "The poor lad is still in pain from those bruised ribs."
             Eidra turned to the cupboard and took down a mug, "I will make the poor dolt some willow bark tea. It should help the pain."
        Sally clapped her hands, "Very good! 'Twill warm him as well. The rain is cold through to the bone."

             By the time he came to the front door with the milk pail, the water for the tea was on the boil. He handed the milk pail to Eidra but before he could turn away, she was leading him into the cottage. He eyed her warily but followed her to a small table where she sat him down.
          "I have something for you."
           He looked at the empty mug before him, "Poison?"
           "Loki! Do I seem the type to try and poison such a helpful lad?"
           She was taking a small white jar down from a shelf near the fireplace and so didn't see him nod though Sally did and she giggled behind her hand.
            Eidra took a small piece of muslin from the jar and a piece of string, took some dried pieces of what looked to be the inner bark of a tree, dropped it onto the cloth, tied it in a parcel and set it in the mug, then she wrapped the hem of her apron around the handle of the kettle, brought it to the table and filled the mug with water. "Now let it steep for a few minutes. We are going to make the morning meal."
           "What was it you put in the cloth?" He stared into the water.
           "Willow bark, it will help relieve your pain. Would you like honey in it?"
            Sally was having all she could do to hold her laughter in at Loki's expression.
            Eidra sat a small pot of honey on the table before him, "Brenna is going to calve soon did you see?"
             "I confess I did not. I am not well versed in animal husbandry." He cupped his hands around the mug to warm his fingers. While Eidra worked at the fireplace, stirring the eggs in a pan over the fire, Loki looked around the room. The first thing he focused on was a ball of yarn with two needles stuck in it and a project hanging from them.
             "You knit."
              Eidra nodded, "It is soothing. Lets my mind wander." She turned, took the spoon from beside his mug and fished out the little packet, setting it aside. "Now add some honey and drink it, it will not help on the outside."
            Sally set the table for the morning meal, noting how Loki seemed unwilling even to touch the plate before him. " 'Tis alright," She whispered.
             Eidra carried the pan to the table and set it in the center on a trivet, then serving first Loki, then Sally and finally herself before she sat down with them.
              "Ah, Eidra you forgot the cider." Sally rose from the table to get the jug and two mugs for them.
               "Sorry,"  She kept her eyes on her plate, "How is the tea?"
              "It is fine, warms me."
                "Tell me what was your profession in Asgard?" Eidra asked as they started to eat.
                Loki searched his mind, what could he tell her? Should he lie? Should he tell the truth and be thrown from the house yet again for that she would think he was toying with her? He did what he could to buy time, took a sip of the tea, a forkful of eggs until he bordered on rudeness.
               "I worked in the palace."
                "I see, you have my sympathy. My father said the Aesir were a difficult sort." She seemed to relax a bit more.
                "They were, especially the blond oaf."
                "The crown prince? I have heard tell that he was arrogant, stubborn."
                "Arrogant, stubborn, heartless on occasion."
                 Eidra leaned forward and crossed her arms on the table, "It stands to reason though I hear the prince regent was much worse. Why were you named after such a cruel man?"
              He was having all he could do to keep his seat, "How do you know he was cruel if as you say you have never met him?"
              Eidra shrugged, "Why would I have reason to doubt my father's word?"
              Loki nodded, "Of course, forgive me."
              She waved her hands, "It is not your fault, you did not know. My father was on the High Court in Alfheim. He was the holder of the Sacred cup of Volundr."
              "And you claim never to have been to court, with your father in such a high position?"
              It was Eidra's turn to search for an answer, "I was half Alfari half human. I was.." Her voice trailed off.
             "Eidra?" Sally put her hand on Eidra's shoulder.
              "I was a servant," She finished, "I had no place in my father's home." She stood and took her plate to a wooden washtub beside the fireplace.
                "You had a place, do not doubt it."
                Eidra gave a dry laugh, "It matters not. My life was quiet just as I liked it."
               Loki stood as well and followed suit but he stopped at the door. "I must take my leave of you. I told Chris I would not be long, we would replenish the firewood in the cottage and he is in no shape for such hard tasks alone." he bowed, "I thank you for the tea and the meal."
              "You should not be stacking firewood with your ribs in such a state, perhaps I should come with you and help." She made to grab her cloak but he held up his hand, stole a glance at Sally who seemed to be trying to make herself invisible. He opened the door then and Eidra followed him out onto the doorstep. The rain had let up but it was still cold.
                "I will be fine. I heal quickly."
                 She wrapped her arms around herself, "Loki, perhaps...."
                 He waited for her to speak again.
                 "Perhaps you were mistaken about me. Perhaps I am not the person you thought I was. Is it not possible?"
                 "Why, what?"
                  "Would it be easier to believe?"
                  She nodded, "Easier than believing. Does that make sense?"
                   Loki stared at her, driving from his mind the urge to kiss her. "It does to you, though it leaves us at a crossroad."
                   Eidra shivered, "How so?"
                  "I cannot move forward nor can I make you move back."
                   "Can we not stay still?"
                   Loki stepped into the yard. "It seems we must for now."
                   He started for the hitching post where he'd tied his horse when she called to him again,
              "Loki, will you be coming over tomorrow?"
                  He hid his smile beneath his hood, "If you wish."
                   "I do." he chanced a look back to see her but only caught the hem of her dress as it slipped into the house behind her and his smile grew. He was finally moving in the right direction.

                That evening, he lay on his cot, Chris on his bed as they talked back and forth waiting for sleep to come.
               "So this is an acceptable development, I am to assume?" Chris fluffed his down pillow.
               "It is. She asked if I was returning on the morrow, what more could I ask for?" His eyes were closed, his thoughts starting to drift, "Except a miracle."
                "Ah now, use miracles sparingly, for there may come a time when you truly need one."
                Loki's mouth twitched in a ghost of a smile, "I need but only one." and he was asleep.

              As winter deepened, he continued to visit Eidra and his visits became longer until he would often stay from dawn to nearly dusk, racing the rays of the sun to make it to Chris's cottage before nightfall. It was on one such a day as they were walking back from the barn that they spied Jaime in front of the cottage talking to Sally.
              "Ah Loki, I wanted to bid the village farewell. I've been called." He held out his arm and they clasped forearms.
              "Where are you headed, Jaime?" Loki looked about them as they laughed.
               "Why I continue me journey, resurrection, rebirth, call it what ye will. I walk out of this village to return again some long day in the future."
                When Loki seemed confused, Jaime chuckled, "Reborn? In the body of another? All the souls here have a chance to continue on in the mortal world. 'Cept those between worlds like me lovlies here." He waved to Eidra and Sally. "They seem to be waiting, for what I know not."
               Sally nodded,  " 'Tis true, mayhap we are cursed."
               Loki noticed Eidra had kept curiously quiet upon the subject.
               Jaime squinted up at the sun, "I must be off, the time grows late."
               "I'll see ye to the edge of the village, Jaime." Sally took his arm.
                "Sure and 'tis sweet of you, lass." With a nod, they started off down the road leaving Eidra and Loki in the dooryard.
                 "Eidra? Are you well?" Loki had raised his hand to touch her shoulder but he feared seeming to familiar so he dropped his arm back to his side.
                  She retreated back into the cottage and he followed. "I am well." She walked to her rocking chair by the fire, sat down and started to move the logs with the poker to stoke the fire.
                  "Forgive me but I do not believe you." Loki sat in Sally's chair opposite hers.
                  "Of course you do not, I must always have some reason for acting the way I do. Another of your silly notions about my past."
                  "I said nothing about your past. You seemed upset when we talked to Jaime about leaving."
                   "Perhaps I will miss the lad. He is a fine man." She jabbed a log, shoving it to one side.
                   "And perhaps it was the subject he touched upon."
                   She glanced up at Loki, "Why is it that you will not accept my reasoning?"
                   "Very well," He stood, "I shall leave you to your thoughts."
                   He was at the door, hand hovering above the handle when she said, "I do not remember how I came here."
                   "How so?" Loki turned to face her.
                   "Neither Sally nor I remember how we passed from the mortal realm into this world of spirits. Fin said it is because we are between worlds. If that was the case, why are we here? Are we not dead? Is there a chance for our own rebirth?"
                  Loki found he was trembling, could he make her see the truth now? "I believe there is."
                   He knelt down beside her rocking chair and she regarded him cautiously, "I know how you came to be here."
                   "Oh Loki," She sighed, "Not today, I cannot brook any nonsense."
                    "It is not nonsense!" He growled, suddenly beyond frustrated. "Everything I tell you, I try to tell you of your past, you disregard." He stood again, strode to the door, "It frightens you."
                    He heard the poker drop to the hearth and she was suddenly between him and the door.
                   "Would it not frighten you if you found yourself here? If you watched others move on yet you seemed destined to stay on in this world...if you had visions of...memories you can't ...recall?"
                  She wiped her cheek, trying to stop the tear that had dropped there and stared at her slippers.
             "I want to know and yet I cannot fathom it. I feel so lost."  He knew he was risking permanent banishment from her cottage yet he had to, he needed to touch her, to soothe her. As his arms slid around her shoulders, he felt her stiffen, then relax, her arms folded against his chest, her head coming to rest on his collarbone. He hugged her tightly, not daring to speak yet, not able to.
              She sniffed then, cuddling closer to him, "Will you give me time?"
              He leaned back, "Time for what?" His voice was hoarse with emotion.
              "To think," She looked up at him, "To decide whether to believe you, to listen to you."
              They locked eyes then, his mind screaming out "kiss her" but his body refusing to obey and the opportunity was all of a sudden lost as she heard Sally's steps on the flagstones of the yard. She broke their embrace, stepping back and smoothing her dress.
              Sally opened the door, walked in and stood stock still. "Oh dear, should I go out and come back in again?" She looked at Eidra, then Loki who shook his head,
           "I was just leaving." He nodded to Eidra, who nodded back, keeping his gaze before she broke it to look at Sally, "Good day."
            "You will be back on the morrow?"
              He smiled, gentle, "I will." her returning smile was genuine and it drove through his heart like an arrow leaving him to wonder how one could fall in love over and over again with the same woman. He bowed to Sally, to Eidra and was gone.

            "I walked in on something." It was a statement not a question. Sally wrapped her shawl closer to her and swung the teakettle over the fire to boil.
             Eidra was back in her chair, now with her knitting in hand. "You walked in on nothing."
She began to knit, her mind replaying what had happened, or nearly happened as Sally returned.
             The rocker creaked as Sally settled in, "Indeed nothing, because I walked in."
             Eidra thought of his blue-green eyes staring into hers, his smile, "Sal, you do so love intrigue."
             Sally chuckled as she began to rock, "Who does not?" She caught the hint of a grin playing at the corners of Eidra's mouth and nodded, "Who does not, indeed."

               Chris grinned at Loki, who had been pacing the floor since he'd arrived home.
               "Did you think that she would disappear when you touched her? Like a spirit? Has anyone else done such a thing? The boys you played caid with?"
              "No, it just seemed somehow so tenuous, our connection, that I feared the slightest touch would break it."
              "You should've kissed her boy, like the fairy tales, forgive the pun, where the prince kisses or is kissed and the spell is broken."
                Loki sat down on his cot, "And what if the spell was broken. What if I found myself back in Asgard?"
              Chris waved at him, "Poppycock, boy. Believe what you like, I say we are the key to their salvation if only they would see it. Who knows," He grunted as he lifted the kettle of stew from over the fire to place it on the table, "perhaps your success might mean mine own. If Eidra leaves to flit off with you, Sally may decide to follow suit after all these years." he gestured for Loki to come to the table, "Now that would be a miracle."he handed Loki a ladle, "Spoon some of that stew into me bowl son and lets us fortify our bellies for the days ahead."
Chapter 8

Got to do some thinking about upcoming events...
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mugglebornprincess's avatar
aww, right in the feels!!! so adorable... :iconsomanyfeelsplz: