
Divided Chapter 13

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Loki followed Colin's outstretched finger to where Stark was approaching. The Great Hall was beginning to empty out. Teams were following their respective leaders, guided by guards, members of the Council.
Colin tilted his head to Velos as Loki stepped forward, “Why do I get the feeling we're going to hear a bit of hollering?”
Velos chuckled, “You will be privy to it. I, myself am to head for home very soon. I miss my little honey bee.”
They both turned to stare at Loki who had his arms crossed before him while the woman whom had accompanied Stark, stood stock still, her face white as milk.
“It isn't up for debate...” Stark gazed about the room as if looking for something, “This is her assignment.”
“Why am I to be saddled with yet another guest?” Loki threw his hands in the air.
“Because you have room. Because we picked your name out of a hat, what the hell ever because you're only going believe what you want...”
Colin tapped Velos on the shoulder, “Excuse me, I'll be right back.”

Eidra looked away from the Council member she'd been talking to, “Colin, are we ready to depart?”
“Ah, not exactly. There's an incident might garner yer attention.” Colin jerked a thumb behind him and whispered, “Yer husband.”
Eidra rolled her eyes and bowed to the Council member, “Please forgive me. I must see to an urgent matter.”

Beth had gone from embarrassed to indignant very quickly but she held her tongue as she listened to Stark argue back and forth with Loki.
“I said nothing when you graced me with Master Denehy. I have accepted him into my home...”
“And has he caused any trouble?” Stark countered.
“No, but that is beside the point. He is one...” Loki yelped as Eidra approached him from behind, pinching his arm as she wove around him.
“Tony, how may I help you?” Eidra smiled graciously, her hands clasped at her waist. She spied the woman behind him, staring at the ground, mumbling silently to herself.
“The cavalry is here in the form of my favorite saint. I haven't seen you since we arrived. I was hoping you hadn't skipped out early. Where is the rest of your brood?”
Eidra bowed slightly, “The youngest ones are home with Ingrid and Helgi. Brenna and Fen are about somewhere. Who do you have here with you?” She leaned to the side a bit, trying to catch the woman's attention.
“This is your new houseguest. Beth Chapel...Beth?”
Beth's head snapped up as Tony continued, “Beth is an anthropology major in her final year at college. She's writing her final thesis on Asgardian foodways so it'll be a twofold assignment. She'll use the material she gathers for her final paper and the project will benefit from the study. We'll likely publish the paper in a scientific journal as well.”
“Really?” Beth cried.
“Well as long as we get the okay for you to join Destructo's household.”
Eidra shook her head, “Honestly Tony, you know he hates...”
As if he'd meant to all along, Loki whirled about and stalked away toward the Hall doors.
“Eidra,” Tony moved closer when he was sure Loki was out of range, “This is her assignment. She's going to shadow your house cook, learn what food you eat, how to prepare it, you know technical stuff that I let my chefs do.”
“She's going to shadow Gretten?” Eidra giggled, “And you were worried about my husband?”
Beth's throat felt tight, “Is that a bad thing?”
Eidra smiled wider, “No dear, Gretten can be quite fractious, however. He means no ill will, in fact he has a large heart, you just have to find it.” She put her arm out to Beth who slowly slid her hand around Eidra's forearm. “Tony I will take it from here. Miss Chapel, let us get your rolling trunk and find my children. We can expect my husband to be at the wagon, sulking.”

Loki sat on the bench seat, boots up on the front board, elbows on his knees, unmoving even when he felt the wagon sag backwards. Colin shook his head and jumped down to the cobblestones, coming around to the rear of the wagon where Brenna was holding out her hand for Beth to grab.
“Here now, let me help.” Colin climbed into the bed and took Beth's hand as she hauled herself into the wagon bed. Eidra lifted the handle of Beth's suitcase up to Fen, “ Thank you, Colin. Make yourself comfortable, Miss Chapel, we have a bit of a ride.”
Colin jumped back out of the wagon, following Eidra around, helping her step up into the front seat. He could see Loki watching him, though he summarily ignored his glare, hopping up to sit on the other side of Eidra who adjusted her dress until she was comfortable.
“Did you take your leave of your mother?”
Loki slapped the reins and the wagon lurched forward.
Eidra glowered at him, loathe to battle before their guests.
“Did you hear me?”
“Yes you took your leave or yes you heard me.”
Eidra seethed for all of an instant then twisted in the seat to face the back of the wagon. The most effective way to get beneath her husband's skin was to ignore him. He could give her the silent treatment but gods forbid she retaliated.
“Tell me, Miss Chapel, from whence you came.” Eidra saw Loki turn his head to look at her.
“Oh please, call me Beth..uh...”
“Eidra will do nicely, thank you.” She smiled down at Beth, felt Loki shift in the seat.
“Oh, okay...I come from a town called Keene in New Hampshire.”
“I have been there!” Brenna exclaimed, “My senior year at school. We had a big class trip to the pumpkin festival there. It was lovely!”
Beth grinned, “My sister and I used to help at the carving tables each year when we were in high school. Halloween is my favorite holiday.”
Beth noticed a faraway look had come over Eidra's face, “I should like to visit Midgard during this Halloween one day.”
“You've heard about it?” Beth looked to Brenna then back to Eidra.
“I have. It holds a special meaning for me as well.”
Eidra heard Loki grunt, hunch forward over the reins as she resumed her questions.
“How old are you, dear?”
“Ha!” Loki muttered.
Eidra kept herself from elbowing him only by sheer force of will.
“...nearly twenty-six.” Beth finished in a small voice.
“How did you come to be chosen for such an illustrious assignment, if you don't mind me askin'?” Colin looked over his shoulder.
“I guess because I'm at the top of my class in college. My professor suggested I apply to the program and I was accepted.”
Colin turned around further, “Your professor? What's his name?”
“Abraham Windsor, professor as Keene State College. You know him?”
“Ah no, I confess I've not been to New Hampshire.” He made a mental note of the professor's name. The program had not been common knowledge so it only stood to reason that the professor had some inside information. Best to plug any holes. He would include the name with his next report. He glanced down at the package on the floorboards between his feet, eager to reach the manor so he could go to his bedchamber and open it.
When Lily had given it to him, she had moved him aside from the crowd.
“Everything you requested should be in there but I have to tell you, I had to give a song and dance about the sign language book. The remark was made to me about following the rules. How you're not supposed to interact with the Asgardians above and beyond your orders.”
What a load of shite! They expect me to live every day twenty-four seven with this family and not develop some sort of connection? They're fecking..”
“Colin.” Lily had guided him further into the courtyard, “Did I say I agreed with them? No, I'm only telling you to be careful. You've been doing a great job here and I want you to keep doing a great job here so just...try not to ask for anymore odd least not on your official request form. Ask me directly, alright?”
She had given his arm a squeeze before she headed off to locate Garrick.
“Mister Denehy? Where are you from?”
Colin rubbed his eyes, struck from his daydream, “Ireland.”
“Oh I got that,” Beth giggled, “Maybe I should put it another way. Are you here for research like me?”
Colin raised an eyebrow, saw Eidra's half smile, “Ah no, let's say I'm a liaison between the Midgardians and the Asgardians.”
When Colin turned back around, Loki was glaring at him but instead of intimidating him, it only served to irritate him.
“Would yer Majesty care to comment?”
He watched Loki's eyes narrow as he returned his gaze to the road ahead.
Colin was tempted to call him out until he felt Eidra tap him on the arm. For the rest of the ride home, they summarily ignored their churlish driver.

Loki took Eidra's hand and helped her down to the ground as the others piled out of the wagon bed, then hauled himself back up into the seat.
Eidra peered up at him, “Let the stable boy fetch the wagon.”
Loki said nothing, merely slapped the reins and turned the horses toward the path to the barn.
Eidra clenched her hands into fists as an arm wrapped about her shoulder.
“Leave him be, Mama..” Brenna hugged her, “Boys must have their tantrums.”
“Often at the wrong time.” Eidra trudged up the front stairs where Hal already had the door open for them.

Loki stroked Lightning's neck, the horse stomping a hoof on the ground as he stuffed his nose into the water trough.
“Why must I give up the peace of my happy home? I allowed that this venture might be advantageous for Asgard and so they saddle me with not one but two outlanders. I should not wonder that it was a form of punishment.”
Lightning raised his head, snorting the water from his nose.
“And I should welcome them with open arms?”
Loki grabbed the pitchfork leaning against the barn wall, tossing a couple forkfuls of hay into first Lightning's stall, then Agathon's, finally to Blackberry.
“Were it that life was so easy as it is for the three of you.” He leaned against the stall gate, watching Blackberry. “Gods I do so miss our little cottage in Rialo.”
“Milord?” a voice drifted out of the shadows and Loki turned to see Eldred standing there with a half plaited length of rope in his hand. He'd grown from a small boy to a young man in short order. Seemed to sprout up overnight, “Were you speaking to me?”
Loki stared at the stable boy, “ have caught me thinking aloud.”
Eldred nodded, “Forgive me. I should have made my presence known. I confess I had dozed a bit in the heat of the day.” He held up the rope, “I am nearly finished.”
Loki fingered the length, felt the tight braid, “Well done. Take your leave. The horses are in for the day. Later I shall see they are settled for the evening.”
Eldred bowed low, “Thank you, Milord.”
He watched the young man hang the unfinished rope over a peg on the stable wall and sighed, he could only dally so long outside before someone would come looking for him, likely Eidra. Only half the day was yet gone. He shook each stall gate as he walked past, making sure they were secure. He stood outside the stable for a time, looking at the manor house in the distance, was about to start down the path when a shout came to him on the breeze and he quickened his steps.

Eidra was glad she'd left Beth in the sitting room with Colin.
“This is an outrage!” Gretten banged another pot on the work table, “Another Asgardian, perhaps, an Alfari, only under protest..”
Eidra scowled at him and he bowed, “Begging your pardon, Milady...a least our temperaments would match, but a Midgardian? I have a good mind to resign my position....”
“Resignation accepted.”
Gretten whirled about to face Loki who had entered the kitchen through the rear door.
“I..I did...not say I wished to do so...” He sputtered, “I merely said the situation would warrant ...”
“I heard what you said.” His gaze slid to Eidra who was standing with her arms crossed at her waist and he felt a sudden stirring. He smiled gamely, relieved when she returned the gesture, “And I would most certainly pack my bags were I forced to share a kitchen with a Midgardian, a female at that..”
“You would?” Gretten canted his head to the side, perplexed. Eidra kept silent, waited. She had listened to Loki countless times through their marriage, when he would speak to the High Council, advise Thor, inspect the palace storerooms, smooth relations between visiting dignitaries. He had a gift for speaking. She smiled to herself, he truly was possessed of a silver tongue.
“Of course. Were I a cook, I could not abide the Midgardians learning the secrets of Asgardian cooking, not that they would have such a capacity in the first place..”
Gretten stroked his whiskers, “True...”
“This woman is here from a Midgardian center of learning. She is to write a parchment upon her could you be expected to represent the whole of Asgardian food ways? It would be a great undertaking.” Loki pulled the bench away from the work table and sat down, “No, I shall find another family to take her.”
Gretten nodded, “Indeed..” and Eidra wondered if Loki had failed until he stood up and walked to the doorway, calling into the sitting room, “Miss Chapel would you come here a  moment?”
“There is no need for me to meet this woman, Milord..”
Beth poked her head into the kitchen, crept forward until she was hovering beside Eidra.
“Miss Chapel...” Loki bowed slightly, “This is our cook, Gretten.”
Eidra had to pinch her thigh to keep from laughing aloud, Gretten was scarlet. He nodded at Beth, “Milady.”
“Sadly he refuses to share his kitchen..”
“Gretten!” Came an exclamation from the doorway where Brenna was now standing.
Gretten reddened further until Eidra was sure he was going to spontaneously burst into flames, “I about being kept from my work...having to...explain every little thing I am doing...”
Beth held up her hand, hesitant at first then a bit higher, “I've been around kitchens all my life..” she looked down at her ample stomach, “Well obviously, but I cook all the time at home, and I bake. I know how a chef values his space...and how he guards his best kept secrets. I wouldn't write about anything you asked me not to. I'm not an agent, I'm just a student trying to graduate with honors, though if I had to go back and fail miserably, I would say the experience was already worth it.”
Loki watched Gretten scan the kitchen, looking anywhere but at Beth. He waved a hand toward the doorway, “Well it is settled. I will bring you to the palace in the morning and we will have you placed elsewhere...”
As Loki herded Beth out of the room, Eidra saw him counting to himself soundlessly. On two, Gretten cleared his throat.
“Six moons. Only six moons then I might have peace again?”
Loki stopped, “Pardon me?”
Gretten walked up to him with a serious look in his eye, “She will only be here for half a season?”
Loki put a hand on Gretten's shoulder, “Do not trouble yourself. I will find another family.”
Gretten frowned, “Let her stay. I should like to teach a Midgardian the proper way to roast a pig or make a good stew.” a grin crept to his lips, “I cannot wait to see her face when I skin a rabbit. Vapid females. She will likely fall down in a faint.”
Loki raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure of this? I need no prodding to rid my household of another Midgardian.”
Around the corner of the doorway, he heard Brenna whisper, “Papa!”
“I am certain. Make sure she knows I am an early riser. If she wishes to learn, she will be up with the dawn.”
Loki rolled his eyes, “Very well. I will have Vesta show her to her room.”
As he walked through the dining room into the sitting room with Beth at his heels, Brenna caught up to him, winking at Beth as she tugged at the sleeve of his tunic. “Papa, where were you when I was struggling with debate class at school?”
“Here where you should have been.” he grumbled though she laughed, “Make yourself useful, child. I do not see Vesta about. Take Beth and show her to one of the guest rooms.”
They were standing at the bottom of the stairway where Beth had left her suitcase and bags when they entered the manor. Brenna grabbed the suitcase and pointed with a tilt of her head up the stairs, “Follow me.”
Before Beth started up the stairs, however, she turned to Loki who was heading back into the sitting room.
“Thank, Milord.”
Loki looked back at her as his steps slowed, “I did nothing except show him the error of his judgment. It shall be up to you to show me that I was right.”
A new houseguest and a turn of events.
© 2013 - 2024 funygirl38
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makepeaceart's avatar
Loki and his silver tongue. :)