
United Chapter 48

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Sophie showed Eidra and an amazed Helgi about the kitchen as Brenna took the chickens from the refrigerator, stealing a glance every so often at her father who stood at the other side of the island with a pensive look upon his face. Chase had drawn out a cutting board and was chopping potatoes, tossing them into a pot before him. Lily sat at one of the tables with Cait who was now awake and had been given a spoon to play with.
“And you make the flame with a turn of this circle?” Helgi bent over, “These symbols, what do they mean?”
“That's how you set the temperature.” Sophie took hold of one of the circles and turned it to three seventy-five, listening as the pilot lit.
“Inconceivable.” She muttered as Eidra smiled, “Imagine no wood to chop?”
Brenna slid down to Chase, aware that her father was watching them, “You did very well.”
Chase frowned, “Did I? I can't tell, he hasn't said anything yet.”
“Do not be so negative, Chase.”

Logan walked into the kitchen, headed for the refrigerator and stopped short. “Ah sorry guys, didn't know anyone was in here. Just headed to the fridge for a couple of beers.”
“Not a problem, Professor.” Sophie was setting one of the chickens in a shallow baking pan, “We're just setting up dinner.”
He met Loki's gaze and nodded to him as he reached into the refrigerator. As his hand closed around the necks of the bottles, he swore to himself, “might as well rescue the poor guy for a while, he's pretty well outnumbered.”
He stretched his fingers around another beer and stood up, “Hey pal,”
Loki looked over to him and he waggled the beers. At first Loki was confused until Logan crooked a finger at him. He glanced at Eidra who was behind him talking with Lily at the table, then back at Logan finally turning to Eidra again, “Eidra? The professor wishes to show me around the school a bit more.”
Eidra looked past Loki to Logan who had his hands behind his back, waiting patiently.
“I suppose it is alright but do not be gone overlong,” She looked to Brenna who was talking with Helgi and Sophie.
“Of course, my heart.” He strode over and kissed her on the cheek then followed Logan out of the kitchen.
Once in the corridor, Logan handed him a beer. “Nicely played. You looked like you needed a little relief.”
He took the beer gingerly, inspecting the bottle. Logan grabbed the top and twisted it off, letting the cool steam flow out and Loki sniffed the mouth. “Interesting.” and took a swallow. “It is weaker than our ale, still...” another swallow, “it will do.”
“Come on to the gym, Kurt made a bet with one of the teachers and I wanna see him take the guy down a notch.”
Loki could hear the laughter in the kitchen, the chatter, “They will miss me.”
“Ah, live a little will ya?” He steered Loki down the hall, “Besides whether Scott or Blue boy wins, it'll be a good fight.”

Kurt had his face mask in his hand when Logan walked in with Loki in tow. Kurt raised an eyebrow, pointing with his epee at Logan who only waved at him as they took a seat on the bleachers. Kurt stood on one end of a long mat, his opponent whom Loki recognized as Brenna's history teacher, Professor Summers.
“Tell me, why does he wear such strange things on his face?”
Logan laughed and Scott turned to look at him, “Those things protect us from getting holes blasted in our middles. His vision can melt steel. I'd have him show if he wasn't such a tool. This is gonna be good.”
Loki took another swig of the beer and settled back against the bleachers to watch.

Back and forth Kurt and Scott went, one gaining then the other. “It is much more civil than where I come from.”
“Well hell they don't want to kill each other. They're just settling the age old question, who's better than who.” He saw Loki had downed half the beer, “Not bad huh.”
Loki held the bottle up, “It is not.”
“Your old lady gonna get hot if you get drunk?” Logan chuckled.
“As children, we are brought up on ale and hard cider. I seldom, if ever, succumb to the effects of spirits.”
“I know a guy like that. Can't get drunk, poor bastard. His name is Steve.”
Scott seemed to be gaining on Kurt, the clash of epees echoing in the gym. A few students had gathered on the bleachers to watch as well and Logan saw another one slip in through the gym doors and stop mid run to stare at Loki before he continued on.
Loki felt the bleachers bounce as the student approached them and sat down next to Logan.
“Hey Professor,” he leaned over, looking past him to Loki, “Uh, you Brenna's dad right?”
Loki sat up straight, “I am.”
Brian smiled, held out his hand across Logan's lap, “I'm Brian, I'm one of your daughter's friends.”
“Hey! Ain't you got manners?” Logan cried as Loki shook Brian's hand.
“Sorry, professor. Where is everybody else? Last I saw y'all you's with Brenna and Miss Munro.”
“We ditched them in the kitchen alright?” Logan pushed him back onto the bleacher, “Now watch if you're gonna.”
“Oh, right.” Brian sat back but every few moments, he'd steal a glance over at Loki who by now had finished his beer and was rolling the empty bottle in his hands.
“Cut it out, kid, you're acting like a creeper.” Logan muttered.
“My bad.” he replied, sitting back again.

Kurt took off his face plate and grinned as cheers echoed about the gym, offering his hand to a sweating Scott who pumped his hand a couple times and started to undo his gear as Kurt walked to the bleachers.
“Vell, Loki, how do you like der art of fencing?”
“It is much too mild for my taste, it is a game more of skill, expertise.”
“And das is what I just showed to Mister Summers.” He held his hand out and Logan placed a beer in it.
“You have never fenced, I gather.”
Loki smiled, “I am skilled with the sword and close combat. My brother cannot best me with the sword.”
Kurt had taken half the bottle in one swallow, now he put it down and clapped his hands together, “vould you care for a challenge? I vould love to see how far your skills extend.”
Loki looked to Logan who shrugged, “Hey pal, it's your funeral.” then stood, removing his suit jacket and laying it on the bleacher.
As he walked across the gym to the mat with Kurt, Logan heard behind him, “Oh man, I have gotta put this on Youtube!”
He twisted around and pointed at Brian, “You do and I'll make sure you never see the light of day with the homework you're gonna have.”
“Aw man, and to think of the hits I woulda got.” Brian put his phone down beside him.

The gear was foreign to him, the epee much lighter than a traditional sword. He would have to get used to its heft. Kurt helped him put the faceplate on.
“Are you sure you vish to challenge me?”
He refrained from wondering aloud how much of a challenge it would actually be, “I relish it. Forgive me if I be a bit rusty.”
Kurt laughed then, “And you are sure.”
Loki waved him away, “Prepare thyself.”

Eidra watched Cait mouth the spoon, wave it to within an inch of her head, mouth it again. All the while she kept a watch on the kitchen doorway, expecting Loki to come through it at any time. Finally, she sighed and handed Cait to Lily. “I am going to take a walk to see if I can find Loki.”
Lily put a hand on her arm, “I should go with you.”
“I shall be fine. I shan't go far.”
But Lily kept her hand on Eidra's arm, “It's also my job to see your family is safe.”
Eidra paused, “Why would we not be?” She noticed Brenna watching their exchange and she waved her to the table, “Will you watch Cait for a few minutes. I must fetch your father.”
Brenna took Cait, “Is everything alright?”
“Of course it is.” She caressed Brenna's cheek, “We will be back.”

His muscles ached with the strain and he was breaking a sweat but it felt wonderful to use those long dormant skills. He hadn't had a chance to spar in such a long time, Kurt had overwhelmed him at first but he soon gained the upper hand, nearly tipping him off his feet. He was impressed with Kurt's expertise, his grace in form and movement but he had become used to the epee now. He grunted with effort but his faceplate hid a broad smile.

Eidra and Lily heard the clash of metal coming from the open doors of the gymnasium and they peered inside to see the bleachers occupied with a number of students and some faculty watching two people dressed all in white play with long thin swords. Eidra spied Logan sitting on the bench without Loki.
“Where is my husband then?” She tugged at Lily's jacket, “Let us ask him where he left Loki.”
Logan was leaning forward, elbows on his knees, hands together as he watched the match intently, so much so in fact, that he didn't notice the women until they had moved before him.
“Professor Logan, might I ask where my husband is?”
Logan sat back, looking up at Eidra and Lily in surprise. “Ah, uh.” He pointed across the gym at the two people sparring and Eidra realized that one of them was quite tall. She sat down heavily on the bleacher beside Logan, with a hand to her mouth whispered, “Odin's beard,”
Lily sat beside her, “What possessed him?”
Logan rolled his eyes, “Jesus, he ain't killing anybody. It's fencing. Sparring.”
A cry was heard from across the gym as Loki lunged forward and everyone began clapping and cheering as Kurt removed his faceplate and held out his hand to Loki who had removed his as well and was shaking his hand. “I concede to der higher power.”
They turned, about to walk back to the bleachers and Loki saw Eidra sitting there, “You Midgardians have colorful phrases for situations such as this, do you not?”
Kurt nodded, “At dis point I would consider der phrase, Oh shit.”
“I shall keep it in mind.”

Eidra watched Loki walk to her, undoing the garment he wore over his shirt. “Whatever were you doing?”
He took her hands in his, “I was having a bit of fun. Do not be cross with me.”
She brought his hands up to her lips, “I do not wish any trouble. What if you had hurt the professor?”
“I would not, now fret no more.”
“I shall not if you will return to the kitchen and visit with us.”
He nodded to Kurt and Logan, “I thank you for the diversion. If you will excuse me, I must return to my family.”
Logan nodded, “Sure, anytime.”
As they walked out of the gym, Kurt looked at Logan, “Have you ever wondered whether Brenna might be right?”
Kurt picked up his beer, “About New york being a set up.”
“We've seen the footage, Blue boy. The stuff that wasn't released. You and I know the truth.”
Kurt finished his beer, “Ja, Ja. It's just hard to reconcile das man vith der man ve saw.”
Logan picked up his empty, “Don't know what to tell ya, pal. I guess people change.”

Brenna was sitting with Cait, Helgi, Chase and Sophie in the warmth of the kitchen. The smell of the chicken permeated the air. Cait had fallen asleep on her shoulder. When her mother walked in followed by her father and Lily, she noted her father looked a bit disheveled. He was straightening his shirt, his face ruddy.
Eidra glided over to Brenna, “She finally gave in?”
“Right after you left. Where was father?”
Eidra lifted Cait from her, “Why do you not go and ask him?”
“But mother, you might just as easily tell me.”
But Eidra had set down at the table, Lily standing behind her and she recognized the look of determination on her mother's face.
Loki was standing at the faucet as Brenna walked over to him, “I cannot recall how to work this water pump.”
Brenna took a glass from the cupboard behind them, turning the faucet on and drawing a glass of water, handed it to her father who drained it.
“It is nothing like our well at home.”
“I know.”
The silence deepened until Brenna asked him, “Where were you?”
“I was learning to fence Midgardian style.”
Brenna was shocked, “Professor Wagner showed you?”
“Rather I showed him how to spar Asgardian style.” He gave a quick smile which faded, “What do you think I should tell your suitor?”
The question was sudden, his attention never wavered from the stainless steel sink he was now staring into.
“I cannot tell you what to say, Father, because my answer would be self-serving.”
He reached  out to draw more water and she pointed to the opposite handle, “That is the cold water.”
He refilled the glass then, but held it in his hand without drinking it, “What do you know of his family, truly? Only that which he tells you, am I correct?”
She crossed her arms before her, now on the offensive, “Yes, is that not enough?”
“A man will lie if he believes it will help his cause.”
Frustration was starting to overwhelm her as she clapped her hands atop her head,  her words delivered in an angry whisper,“It is different here on Midgard. Family backgrounds do not matter as much so there is little reason for him to lie. He is honest, trustworthy.”
“Background may not be important to Midgardians, but he seeks to court on an Asgardian level and therefore, it matters.”
Brenna backed further from him, “So you will say no?”
To her surprise, he gave a short laugh, “You are a world apart here at this school. I doubt my disapproval will carry any weight.” He looked over at her, “Do I speak the truth?”
She pulled her gaze away from him but gave no answer.
“I thought as much, should I demand you return home with us then?”
“You could do so,” Her eyes flashed angrily, “But I would not remain. I would run again.”
The disappointment in his face was painful to witness and she chose to focus her attention elsewhere, on her family sitting at the table, talking.
“This I know to be true.” He finished his water, putting the empty glass in the sink, seemed to falter, then straightened up, heading past her to where Eidra sat, watching them.
He stopped at the end of the kitchen island, glancing over his shoulder.
“When will you begin to trust my judgment?”
He tapped his fingers on the counter top, “When I see evidence that it is trustworthy.”

Eidra noticed the set of his jaw as he sat down beside her and she looked to Brenna who was leaning on the island, head in her hands.
“What has happened?”
She sighed, “Very well then, you have nothing to be upset about.”
Loki bristled at her play of words but held his tongue.

Brenna felt a pair of arms about her waist as she leaned over the island, trying to calm herself. She stood up to find Fen whom she gathered into a hug.
“Will you come home with us?” He murmured.
“Not this time” She brushed his hair from his upturned face.
“Mama and Papa wish you were home.”
She bent over and took his chin in her hand. “I will not be gone forever, I promise.”
“Then may I stay with you?” He gave her a wide grin.
“No, you little worm. You're too young to stay here.”
“When I am older then?”
She lifted him up with a grunt, surprised at how heavy he'd become.
“Then I shall be out of school.”
She didn't have the heart to tell him the basic requirements for the school. He hadn't shown any talents like hers save for a bit of spell magic like Father.
“We shall see. Perhaps I shall put in a good word for you. I shall start by saying “Miss Munro, my little worm of a brother..”
Fen giggled, burying his face in her stomach, “I will be a big worm then.”
A shrill beep drew her attention and she set Fen down. “Do you want to help get dinner ready?”
Chase and Sophie were already at the stove.
“No!” But she was already steering him towards the table where plates, silverware and cups had been stacked at the ready.
“Yes you do. Now give each person one cup and one plate each, a fork and a knife.”
“Brennnn...” He whined, Loki cutting him short.
“Do as your sister says.”
Fen frowned as he began to set the table but when he believed Father could not see him, stuck out his tongue at Brenna who returned the gesture, making Fen giggle again. The exchange tugged at her heart. These were the times, the  things she missed about being home.
Chase elbowed her as she stood staring into space, “Come on, dinner is served and we be the servers.”

Helgi insisted on cutting up the chickens herself, making quick work of both carcasses, the meat laid out on a platter. “You should keep the bones to make soup.” she pointed out.
Eidra had Cait on her lap, feeding her tiny spoonfuls of mashed potatoes. Fen devoured the chicken on his plate but pushed the vegetables around until Loki put his hand atop Fen's head, “Eat, do not play.”
But mostly the meal passed in silence until Brenna and Sophie had started to clear the plates away, exchanging them for dessert. As she stood at the refrigerator taking the ice cream from the freezer, Brenna heard her father start to speak.
“Master Wells.”
She turned to see Chase, his face serious, “Yes sir?”
In her head, Brenna had begun to chant, “Do not embarrass me, do not embarrass me!”
“In the past, you have shown a blatant disregard for school rules.”
Chase met Loki's easy stare, “Sir, show me one person who hasn't broken the rules once or twice.”
She flinched at his response but her father's reply in the form of a hearty laugh nearly made her drop the stack of bowls in her hands.
“Well met! Tell me then, boy, how am I to be assured you will abide by the rules I set ere I permit you to court Brenna?”
Brenna stood stunned at the conversation unfolding before her until Sophie nudged her and whispered, “You okay?”
She could only nod, watching Chase consider his answer.
“I don't suppose you could sir. You would just have to trust us.”
Loki's eyes flitted to Brenna then back to Chase. “Both you and my daughter are of one mind.”
When Loki had started to speak to him, he had felt every muscle in his body tense. His shoulders were starting to ache with the strain. He was so thirsty yet he didn't dare pick up the glass of ice water before him, his hands were wet with sweat and he envisioned himself dropping it to the table. The feeling of terror that had taken root in the pit of his stomach had started to grow as Loki sat, silent, drumming his fingers on the table.
“I could tell you I expect you to be chaperoned at all times.” He watched Chase's expression, amused, “I could limit the amount of time you spend together. Where you meet and when.”
She walked on jerky legs towards the table with the  ice cream and the bowls which she started to set in front of each of them, Sophie bringing the toppings for the ice cream and the spoons.
Fen reached for the container of ice cream and squealed, “It is cold like ice!”
“I thought we would have something you have never tried before.” Brenna hated the false sound of cheerfulness in her voice.
“What is it?” Fen turned the carton around as if trying to make sense of the foreign words. Chris had only just started to teach him the English alphabet before he'd passed away.
“It is called chocolate chip ice cream.” She set a couple of scoops in his bowl first, “You want toppings?”
“What are they?” He was practically lying on top of the table, Loki had to pull him down.
“Strawberry, chocolate and sprinkles.” She pointed to each bottle in turn.
“We do not ask like that.” Loki warned him.
“Strawberry, please.”
She poured the strawberry syrup over the ice cream, “Eat it slow or you will get a brain freeze.”
Fen poked at the ice cream with his spoon, “What is a brain freeze?”
Eidra looked at the bowl Sophie had set before her, pulling it out of the way just before Cait's hand settled on the rim, “Do you recall eating the snow and crying because your head hurt? Brenna means a cold headache.”
Fen gingerly took a spoonful of the ice cream and sniffed, smiled and licked it, “This is better than snow!”
Loki nodded, “A rare treat. I had something similar when I attended a banquet at King Freyr's castle one season.”
Helgi held a spoonful in the air, “It is like the cold puddings we make though much thicker.”
Lily picked up her bowl, “You've never had ice cream?”
“No.” Helgi took another spoonful, “A pity is it not?”
Cait seemed to love the cold confection, “It likely feels good on her new teeth.” Eidra laughed as Cait bit down on the spoon, unwilling to let it go.
Loki had his elbows on the table, his hands clasped before his chin, watching Brenna as she ate, wondering what it was that so often stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth, stopped his words when he tried to talk to his eldest daughter. Astrid had said make amends, could she have meant with Brenna? Could she have been warning him to heal the rift between them? How would he do such a thing, by granting her wish she be allowed to court? There was little else he could think of, he had already let  her remain on Midgard.
It was closing on seven thirty by the time they finished the ice cream and piled the dishes into the sink. Helgi had wanted to help clean up but Sophie reassured her they would tend to it later and they all returned to the reception room to wait for the limo to return. As the minutes ticked away, Eidra grew more agitated. She had dreaded the end of the day from the very beginning a feeling which grew as she watched Brenna sit with Fen watching those mindless cartoons.
Loki too, seemed restless, pacing back and forth, stopping to look down at Cait who'd fallen asleep in Eidra's arms, glancing out the window at the long driveway, illuminated by tungsten light poles. Finally, he walked over to Brenna, “Fen, I must talk to your sister.”
Fen, who had been draped across Brenna's lap, groaned but crawled off her to curl up at one end of the couch, his eyes bleary with sleep, still trained on the TV.
Brenna stood up and followed her father, casting a nervous eye at her mother as they passed, until he stopped at the window a bit distant from the others. Brenna noticed it had begun to snow again. Loki reached into his shirt and withdrew the Uruz. slipping it over his head, he coiled it into his hand, taking one of hers, he placed the shimmering disc into her palm and closed his hand over it. She felt her throat ache with tears as the cool stone throb against her skin.
“I wish you to have the Uruz, you have proved yourself worthy, mature, and this treasure was meant to be given to you at such a time as this.”
She wanted to take it, wanted to sit down and talk with him, ask the questions she needed answers to. She wanted  not to be afraid of him anymore. The lights shining into the window made  them both turn to see the limo heading up the driveway and she knew none of what she wanted would happen today.
“I cannot take it, Father.” She pushed his hand back to him, saddened by the look of despair on his face.
“Why? Is it not what you have wanted? It would give you the ability to come and go as you pleased.”
“That is the problem. It would be too easy to run away when I was frustrated with my schoolwork or became homesick. I fear I would abuse it. I am not yet ready to take possession of such power.”
He looked lost, mouth open to speak though words failed him.
“Father, do not be upset with me.”
He shook his head, slowly at first, then more vigorously, “I am not upset, merely confused. I wish...”
The knock at the foyer door cut him short as Lily ran to answer it. Stark and Thor strode into the reception room. Loki noted the wide smile on Thor's face and nodded to him. Brenna turned to them and ran to Thor, “Uncle!,”
He hefted her up into a great hug as  Loki slowly hung the Uruz back around his neck. “You have grown so!”
Brenna heard a sniffle as Thor set her down. Eidra was wrapping Cait in her blanket, readying her to go out into the cold night air. Brenna sat down beside her and wrapped her arms around Eidra's shoulders as Eidra burst into tears, “I promised myself I would not be weak but I am weak indeed. I so wish you would come home, my lamb.”
“I shall Mama, I swear it. I will finish my studies and come for a visit.”
“To stay, not to visit. My sky is missing its bright star without you there.” She wiped her eyes, hugging Brenna's arms to her.
“I will come home again, only let me prove I can do this.”
Eidra nodded, “I will, I ken your wish to know all you can, see all you can, and I will be there when you are ready to return.”
Eidra held Cait up to Lily, stood and gave Brenna a fierce hug. Helgi, who had come to Eidra's side, stroked Brenna's face, “Come home soon, poppet.”
Brenna watched them walk out into the snow where the driver held open the limo door for them. Thor walked over to the couch where Fen had finally succumbed to sleep and hefted him up. “I will take him to the limousine, brother. Say your goodbyes.”
Loki walked over to Chase who had been standing apart from everyone and looked about to bolt as Loki reached out his hand. Chase took and shook it, “Master Wells, let it be known that I receive progress reports about Brenna. I also receive reports when she has misbehaved.” He had not heard a bad word about her yet, save the hospital incident but Chase need not know it. “I will doubtless hear of your relationship and any trouble in the future. Take care and treat her well, do you ken?”
Chase's voice was tremulous but his answer was firm, “I understand, sir. I will treat her like the princess she is.”
He then turned to Sophie, taking her hand and bussing it lightly, “She is fortunate to have such a faithful friend in you, Milady. Thank you for your hospitality.”
Brenna was standing in the doorway leading to the foyer, trying to stop her lip from trembling as Loki approached her. He took her face in his hands, “It is my fervent wish that one day you will feel you may talk freely to me.” And kissed her forehead, gently, lingering a moment. She yearned to throw her arms about him, feel his embrace in return but she could only reply, “And it is my wish for you as well.”
He let her go then, and turned away before she could see the tear slide down his cheek and he was gone. She stood in the doorway, watching the limo pull away from the mansion. She was no longer a child. He had been willing to give her the Uruz. When next she saw him, she swore she would overcome her fear, forge a new path into their relationship. She felt lighter than she had in countless seasons as she closed the door with a smile.

As they sped towards the city, Eidra asleep on his shoulder, the others in similar repose, Stark on his phone, Loki looked over to Thor.
“Did you find her?”
Thor's grin spoke volumes, “I did.”
“And what? We spoke for a long time.”
Loki kicked his foot, “You oaf, what did you speak about?”
“What would you like to know, we spoke of countless things. I spoke of bringing her to visit Asgard. About making her a queen.”
“A lie, brother, I am shocked.”
“It was no lie,” Thor sat forward, “Were I to charge Sif with adultery, I would be allowed to bring her before the High Council and ask for the bonds to be dissolved.”
“And will you?” Loki looked up at the night sky through the sun roof.
“Perhaps, we must talk more upon it. I must speak with Father as well.”
“You will be happy then?”
“As happy as you.” Thor returned the gentle kick.
“I am not so sure of that.” He pulled Eidra closer to him, leaned back into the seat and closed his eyes.
Chapter 48
© 2013 - 2024 funygirl38
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mojobaby75's avatar
Love the little moments of emotion from Loki. :) Slow progress is better than no progress!